old tree down
last night i walked right past the windfallen oldest tree in the park and did not notice, my mind in other bottles of night like this. a cigar with old friends and cans of beer and books and good times and talk and my poor social skills surfacing as yesterday's tall tales flourish into memory being raw and wild times that they were. and my heart aches for my own sorrow and befuddlement, selfish in times when great giving is called for, secretive when the words belong to rooftops and echoes.
Stop waxing poetic, you poet.
Plato once opined in "The Republic" that "...the poets lie too much," and even if they hadn't invented guns yet, he also said they should all be shot.
Nietzsche was quoting Plato in "Thus Spake Zarathustra." Plato, in "The Republic" has an arguement concerning what is right and proper to tell your children. He waxes on and on for a while about proper upbringing, then decides what the poets do, which is lie, should not be included in what is taught to children.
Hence, the poets lie too much.
'Nuff said.
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