Two years too late...

remember smokey ruins of a friendship gone too soon
our names dusted against a heaven we barely knew
but those dark-time words
weapons against some urgent night
she swallowed you before so many of us got the chance
but in my dreams you walk on water
a slight mist in the air behind you
lending a glow to the frame of your stocky figure
remember opening up your bedroom
your clothes, books, life
lying on the floor
waiting to be swept up
now: friends go on without
we forget those times
as the ebb and flow of emotions
slowly wash each other further out to sea
[i wonder if you were here
what would have happened
i wonder if we’d work in the prison systems together
still drink 40s every other night
put the devil up our nose
or if we’d go to baseball games in seattle
with my daughters
eat hot dogs
and talk about it